Disk Tools

Find Largest Files and Folders on drive (email result)

Downloads a Powershell script to efficiently scan for files over 100MB and folders over 500MB, reports on the top 5, then sends the report in an email. A full list can be found in the GetFile tab of the agent. Can change the start drive/folder and email recipient by editing first 2 lines of script.…

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Find Largest Files and Folders on C drive

Downloads a Powershell script to efficiently scan C for files over 100MB and folders over 500MB and report on the top 5. A full list can be found in the GetFile tab of the agent. Can change the start drive by editing first line of script. Can report using tag $filesfolders$.

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Drive Health Status

Uses CrystalDiskInfo to generate a drive report and parses the report for health status of Drives. MUST create custom field "CF – Drive Type" before importing, or link it on line 29. Can report using tag $DiskInfo$

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Does file exist

Uses a powershell command to search the C drive for a specific file or extension. Use *. where needed. Program will write to the Agent Procedure log using the tag $searchstring$, so you can report by filtering for that string

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Audit Real Drives

Downloads and runs a simple application that reports to a text file called realdrives.txt the drive letters in a comma delimited format. The drive must be a physical local drive, not USB attached and greater than 10GB in size. It then writes the contents of the text file to a new Audit field I created…

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CheckDisk SystemDrive (Server RDP detect)

Edit script line 1 for number of failures before email is sent and line 2 for the email addrsss to send to. Script runs a standard chkdsk, it then looks for failures if failures found it checks how many failures have been reported before. Then either sends email and schedules a chkdsk /f or schedules…

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Defragment all drives

VBScript uses wmi queries to get a list of drives. Filters drives based on drivetype. Uses smartmontool to determine if any fixed drives are SSDs. Performs a defrag analysis on any non-SSDs and builds a batch script for any defrags that are needed. Upon completion the VBScript will trigger the batch script to start any…

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Defrag – Scan and Analyze ONLY

This script checks a system(s) and determines if it needs defragmenting.  You can see the results of this by running a Script Log Report, and using “Defrag – Scan and Analyze ONLY” as Script Name filter.

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Defraggler Silent Install/Update

Script downloads txt files with dl location, current version, install argument & registry key. Script then checks if Defraggler is installed, if not it will install, if installed it compares installed version to current version and updates if needed. Writes to script log if successful. Script then deletes installer and all txt files. Able to…

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Defraggler Update Only

Script downloads txt files with dl location, current version, install argument, & registry key. Script then checks if Defraggler installed, if not it will abort install, if installed it compares installed version to current version and updates if needed. Writes to script log if successful. Script then deletes installer and all txt files. Able to…

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