Programs not Installed (Prompt for Name)
Ever want to check to see if a certain software is, or is not installed on your endpoint machines? Now you can do it easily across all of your Kaseya endpoints!
Using the script here, you simply enter in the name of the software that you are looking for and it will scan any number of endpoints to see if that software exists!
The results are written back as custom fields in Kaseya so you can build reports on them. They are also emailed to the Kaseya admin that scheduled the script and stored locally in the machine’s “Documents” folder for easy access.
Quickly and easily get a handle on what is installed across your endpoints with this script.
Want a more general list of installed programs? Looking to see if a software was installed recently? Try one of these scripts instead:
- Programs installed within X Days
- Programs Installed within X Days (With a Blacklist)
- Programs Installed (Prompt For Name)
How this script works:
- Script prompts for a program name to search for.
- Script goes through Add/Remove Programs and creates a list of all programs that contain the requested prompted name.
- Output is written to Agent Procedure log, uploaded to Documents, and email sent to the Kaseya Admin that executed the script.
- Can report using $ProgInstalled$ and $ProgNotInstalled$.

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