Undo the Disabling of "Updates are available" Windows 10 messages using the bat script found here:
Read MoreDisable "Updates are available" Windows 10 messages using the bat script found here:
Read MoreSometimes you just need to “Turn if off and on again”. This script folder with 3 scripts provides the logic to allow Kaseya to smart reboot machines on a recurring basis so they don’t run more than a month without a proper reboot. Only the primary ‘Reboot Nanny’ script should be scheduled/ran. Once executed, this…
Read MoreSets registry keys so that file extensions and hidden files can be shown.
Read MoreSets registry keys so that file extensions and hidden files won’t be shown.
Read MoreChecks for the existance of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU Key, and then checks for the value of NoAutoUpdate. You can report by using tag = $PatchDelay$ or $OOD$ (if it is missing or not set to 1).
Read MoreTurns on bing serches when typing into the search bar of the start menu. This is done using by modifying 2 registry values in ‘\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Search’
Read MoreTurns off bing serches when typing into the search bar of the start menu. This is done using by modifying 2 registry values in ‘\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Search’
Read MorePrevents Bing extension being installed and uninstalls if present. This extention causes Chrome to default to Bing as the search engine and also integrates Bing searches into the taskbar.
Read MoreScript locates the Windows 10/11 Version number and writes to to custom field (Windows Build) as well as to Agent Procedure Log. You can report using tag "$Win10$" or "$Win11$" NOTE: Make sure you have created the custom field BEFORE importing the script, or you will need to re-link it at all lines that begin with…
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