Windows General
Powershell 5 is part of WMF 5 and this script downloads and installs WMF 5.1. This script is only for Win7 and Win8.1 machines. Script checks for a couple requirements. First, it checks for .NET 4.5. Then in checks for WMF (Powershell) 4. If both of these are present then script will proceed with installation.…
Read MoreInstalls PS module and runs powershell command Get-SpeculationControlSettings. Outputs the results to a file and reports to the procedure log. Procedure log will indicate if patching may be required. Should work on Powershell 3.0 or later. Results are saved to custom variable (“updateSystemInfo” lines will need to be edited to link to your variable). It…
Read MoreImports PS module and runs powershell command Get-SpeculationControlSettings. Outputs the results to a file and reports to the procedure log. Procedure log will indicate if patching may be required. Should work on Powershell 3.0 or later. Can run report using tags: $Meltdown$, $MetldownPatch$, $NoMeltdownPatch$, $MeltdownLog$. $Meltdown$ is the same as $MeltdownPatch$ but works across multiple…
Read MoreFolder containing all the current meltdown scripts: Meltdown Reg Key Audit Meltdown Reg Key Force Add Meltdown/Spectre Vulnerability Check Meltdown/Spectre Vulnerability Check (w/ Tags)
Read MoreThis agent procedure will create the registry key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\QualityCompat” Value=”cadca5fe-87d3-4b96-b7fb-a231484277cc” Type=”REG_DWORD” on any Windows machine using a powershell script. The registry key is not always required to get the Windows Update to protect against the Meltdown vulnerability. It is advised to check the list of Antivirus at: You can find more information on this…
Read MoreThis agent procedure will check for the existence of the registry key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\QualityCompat\cadca5fe-87d3-4b96-b7fb-a231484277cc” using a powershell script. Can report using $Meltdown$, $MeltdownKey$, $NoMeltdownKey$. $Meltdown$ is the same as $MeltdownKey$ but works across multiple scripts. $NoMeltdownKey$ will only show machines that are missing the key.
Read MoreRuns PS command Get-NetAdapter and filters it to only physical adapters and includes driver info. Can report using $NIC$.
Read MoreChecks file system for SynTP.sys and gets the version number from the file. Compares the version number to see if it’s the affected version. Will report the results to the script log. Can generate a report using the tags $HPkeylogger$ and $HPkeyloggerFound$.
Read MoreDownloads and runs a simple application that reports to a text file called realdrives.txt the drive letters in a comma delimited format. The drive must be a physical local drive, not USB attached and greater than 10GB in size. It then writes the contents of the text file to a new Audit field I created…
Read MoreA Folder with two scripts, one to enable and the other to disable the CDPSvc CDPUserSvc services. The script downloads a VBS that will execute and enable or disable the services. Acknowledgments: Glenn Turner for the VBS
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