Windows General
Downloads txt file with current version number of Flash. Script determines what version is installed by checking a registry value. Script then compares both values to determine if Flash is out of date. Script writes results to script log for reporting purposes, filter for results with the following keywords. *$Audit$* (returns all entries regarding audit…
Read MoreDownloads txt file with current version number of reader. Script determines what version is installed by checking a registry value. Script then compares both values to determine if reader is out of date. Script writes results to script log for reporting purposes, filter for results with the following keywords. *$Audit$* (returns all entries regarding audit…
Read MoreDownloads txt file with current version number of Shockwave. Script determines what version is installed by checking a registry value. Script then compares both values to determine if Shockwave is out of date. Script writes results to script log for reporting purposes, filter for results with the following keywords. *$Audit$* (returns all entries regarding audit…
Read MoreDownloads txt file with current version number of quicktime. Script determines what version is installed by checking a registry value. Script then compares both values to determine if quicktime is out of date. Script writes results to script log for reporting purposes, filter for results with the following keywords. *$Audit$* (returns all entries regarding audit…
Read MoreScript downloads exe file to determine what version of dot NET are installed. Able to report by filtering Agent Procedure Logs for $dotNET$ shows all entries regarding dotNET. $Audit$ shows all entries regarding all audit scripts. $dotNEThighest$ only shows the single newest version on the system.
Read MoreDownloads txt file with current version number of firefox. Script determines what version is installed by checking a registry value. Script then compares both values to determine if Firefox is out of date. Script writes results to script log for reporting purposes, filter for results with the following keywords. *$Audit$* (returns all entries regarding audit…
Read MoreDetermines system drive then runs chkdsk with the /a argument. Results are then compared, script writes to script log with results. Able to report by filtering script logs for $Audit$(all audit scripts) $Chkdsk$(returns all results for chkdsk audit script) $OOD$(show only machines that need chkdsk)
Read MoreDownloads txt file with current version number of silverlight. Script determines what version is installed by checking a registry value. Script then compares both values to determine if silverlight is out of date. Script writes results to script log for reporting purposes, filter for results with the following keywords. *$Audit$* (returns all entries regarding audit…
Read MoreScript downloads vbs file to determine what AntiVirus, Version, and if AntiVirus is up to date, by checking several WMI classes. Script writes all info to script log. You are able to run a report to gather info by searching Agent Procedure Logs for $AVInfo$ $Audit$ $OOD$. Script sends email to stored variable in step…
Read MoreScript writes all accounts from the Local Machine Administrators group to script log. Able to report by filtering for $LocalAdmins$ and $Audit$
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