Ninite all-in-one UpdateOnly
This is a folder that contains several scripts. These scripts will not install new programs, just update from a list of programs. If you have Ninite licenses through Virtual Administrator, you will use the “VA” scripts. To properly use these scripts requires a minor editing of the script and a little prep work.
If you have machines that are on a single domain and wish to use a shared installer cache for Ninite then you will want to use the “Create Share” script on the machine to host the share. You will need to create a variable called “NiniteCache” that stores the location of this cache, which will be <hostname>\NiniteCache$ (e.x “\\serverXYZ\NiniteCache$”). Variables can be created and managed using the “Manage Variables” button when on the ‘ Agent Procedures -> Manage Procedures -> Schedule / Create” screen. To test that the cache works, use the “Net Test” script on another machine on the domain. The “All-in-One (domain cache)” scripts also perform a net test and will notify you via the procedure log it the test fails.
To set up the “All-in-One” scripts, first you will need to make a small edit to the script you will be using. If you are using a “VA” script then you will edit the first line and replace “YOUR-LICENSE-HERE” with you license (which will probably be your email address). If you are using a non-VA license, then you will edit the script and replace “ENTER-DL-URL-HERE” with a http link to your NiniteOne.exe. Once that is done you need to create a variable called “NiniteApps”. This will hold the list of apps you want installed/updated on the machines in that group. Variables can be created and managed using the “Manage Variables” button when on the ‘ Agent Procedures -> Manage Procedures -> Schedule / Create” screen. Simply created a list of apps, separated by a space. A list of all app codes is here: Use the name listed under the “/select” column. For example, to install Java (64 and 32 bit) and Adobe reader you would set the variable to:
“Java x64” Java Reader.

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