2016 Java Install/Update/Uninstall
Latest 2016 script to silently install , uninstall and update 32/64 bit Java. Performs a registry audit for installed program(s). Uses audit information to extract an uninstall string and perform an uninstall. It then re-audits the registry to confirm the uninstall was successful. Also installs the latest version. Writes results to Agent Procedure Log.
This script requires Vista or higher (does not work on XP/2003)
(c) Copyright 2016 Network Depot, LLC (Virtual Administrator) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This script is the property of Network Depot, LLC (dba VirtualAdministrator), and use is restricted to active clients. Do not re-distribute without written authorization.
This script is provided “AS-IS”. Please make sure that you test this script in a controlled environment before deploying to a production environment. Please let us know if you run into any problems

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