Windows 10 No Upgrade
Set of script to help prevent systems from upgrading to windows 10.
Two scripts for the Win10 Patch, also known as KB3035583:
KB find 3035583 – Determines if KB3035583 is installed and outputs to procedure log. Can report using $KBinstalled$ and $KB3035583$
KB uninstall 3035583 – Silently uninstalls KB3035583 patch using wusa.exe
Two scripts to prevent notifications for the Win10 upgrade, also known as GWX.exe
Check Process GWX.exe – Makes a tasklist query to list all processes, then reports if GWX.exe was found. Can report using $CheckProcess$ and $GWX.exe$
Disable Win10 Upgrade Notifications – Disables startup of GWX.exe using registry key. Kills GWX.exe, then renames GWX.exe and GWXWorker.exe.
An additional script using the registry settings provided here to stop updates.
Disable Win10 Upgrade RegKey – Disables Win10 upgrade using registry keys.

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