
Exchange 2007 Load Performance

Exchange 2007 – Monitors Load Performance including Log Record Stalls, Database Cache Size, OWA response times, Current unique users, RPC monitoring, and total Messages sent/sec. DISCLAIMER:   All Monitor sets should be used as a guideline.     Thresholds set, may not be suitable for your exact environment. What works for large clients, may not…

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Exchange 2007 Service Monitor

Exchange 2007 – Monitors all the basic services. DISCLAIMER:   All Monitor sets should be used as a guideline.     Thresholds set, may not be suitable for your exact environment. What works for large clients, may not work for small ones, and vice-versa.   Once you assign the monitor set, review the data and…

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Exchange 2007 Transport Performance

Exchange 2007 Transport Performance.    Monitors the outbound queue length and local delivery rate. DISCLAIMER: All Monitor sets should be used as a guideline. Thresholds set, may not be suitable for your exact environment. What works for large clients, may not work for small ones, and vice-versa. Once you assign the monitor set, review the…

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Exchange 2007 Transport Queues

Exchange 2007 Transport Queues – Monitors the number of messages sent/received through SMTP. DISCLAIMER: All Monitor sets should be used as a guideline. Thresholds set, may not be suitable for your exact environment. What works for large clients, may not work for small ones, and vice-versa. Once you assign the monitor set, review the data…

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Exchange 2010 Full Monitoring

Exchange 2010 monitoring –   Monitors many areas of 2010 including Database Cache and Log reads/writes, OWA current unique users, RPC client access, Queue lengths, and more. DISCLAIMER: All Monitor sets should be used as a guideline. Thresholds set, may not be suitable for your exact environment. What works for large clients, may not work…

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Exchange 2007/2010 Mailbox Sizes

Script executes the Get-MailboxStatistics cmdlet and saves output to txt file which is saved as a variable and written to the script log.

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Delete SMTP Log Files

Runs command: FORFILES /p {directory name}/s /m *.* /d -2 /c “CMD /C del /Q @FILE” This clears all files older than 14 days in C:\WINDOWS\System32\LogFiles\SMTPSVC1

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Exchange 2003 Mailbox Sizes

Script downloads vbs file that executes and gets mailbox name, size in kb, total items, and storage group. Saves all to txt files and writes to script log. Able to report by filtering agent procedure logs for $Mailbox$

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Start Primary Exchange Services

Starts Primary Exchange Services

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Exchange 2010 Load Performance

Exchange 2010 – Load Performance.  Focus on Failed mail submissions/sec,  Unique users, Active users using RPC, and total User count. DISCLAIMER: All Monitor sets should be used as a guideline. Thresholds set, may not be suitable for your exact environment. What works for large clients, may not work for small ones, and vice-versa. Once you…

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