WIndows Update

Windows 11 updates, no reboot

Script folder that will check or apply cumulative and version updates to windows. All scripts will suppress rebooting, but a reboot will be required after each. Can report using $OOD$,$WinUpgrade$.

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CVE-2023-32019 Enable

Use this script to automate the process of mitigating CVE-2023-32019 across your environment. The CVE is disabled by default. This script enables it. Click here to see the summary of why it is disabled by default and what it does: How To Manage The Vulnerability Associated With CVE-2023-32019. This script enables the CVE-2023-32019 on Windows…

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Windows 11 Readiness to Custom Field

Downloads a powershell script to check OS, CPU, RAM, HDD, TPM, and SECUREBOOT compatibility requirements for Windows 11 installation. Writes result to procedure log, can report using $Win11check$, $Win11yes$, $Win11no$. Also write results to custom field "CF – Win11 Ready".

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Windows 11 block upgrade (unblock)

Script sets registry keys to unlock Windows 10 machine to allow upgrade to Windows 11.

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Windows 11 block upgrade (lock to Win10 current build)

Script sets registry keys to lock Windows 10 machine to it’s current build version.

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Windows 11 block upgrade (lock to Win10 21H1)

Script sets registry keys to lock Windows 10 machine to a target build of 21H1.

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Windows 10 Builds and Updates

This includes a large folder of script that modify Local Group Policy through registry keys as well as the Office 365 auto update settings. The LGP settings these scripts change include: Windows Update for Business Configure Automatic Updates Turn off auto-restart for updates during active hours Do not include drivers with Windows Updates Display Options…

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Configure Automatic Updates

Script folder. Contains set of scripts to change and customize the Local Policy Object setting labelled “Configure Automatic Updates” using registry keys on a machine. This will only change the local policy and will not override settings administered through AD.

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Windows Update Popup (enable)

Undo the Disabling of "Updates are available" Windows 10 messages using the bat script found here:

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Windows Update Popup (disable)

Disable "Updates are available" Windows 10 messages using the bat script found here:

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