Security Center

Disable MS Security Center and Backup Notifications

dds registry keys to suppress notifications from the Security Center and Windows Backup. For Windows 10, requires user to be logged on and only effects that user.

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Enable Windows Update (Win 7 & 8)

Performs a registry change to re-enable windows update. Will only work on Windows 7 and 8. To re-enable Security Center notifications as well use this script.

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Disable Windows Update (Win 7 & 8)

Performs a registry change to disable windows update. Will only work on Windows 7 and 8. Can be undone using Enable Windows Update. To block Security Center notifications use this script.

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Disable CD Burning(XP)Current User

Disables built in XP cd burning software for the current user by adding a Registry DWORD value.

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Disable CD Burning(XP)Local Machine

Disables built in XP cd burning software for all users by adding a Registry DWORD value.

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Disable Downloads IE(Current User)

Disables downloads in IE by adding a registry value. Only works on the current logged on user.

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Disable Local Password Caching(Local Machine)

Adds two registry DWORD values to disable local password caching. Works on the current logged on user & local machine (any new users). Writes to script log if successful. WARNING: Users will not be able to log on if Domain Controller is down. Also stops passwords from getting out of sync.

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Disable Logoff(Current User)

Disable the logoff button on the start menu by adding the following reg key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\NoLogoff.

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Disable Password Caching in IE(Current User)

Adds registry DWORD value to disable password caching in IE. Only works on the current logged on user. Writes to script log if successful.

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Disable RegEdit (Current User)

Disables Regedit by adding a DWORD registry value. Script then writes to script log if successful.

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