Office 2003
Uses registry to check for office version and if it’s a 32 or 64 bit installation. Reports to procedure log. Can use tags $O365$ and $Audit$ for reporting.
Read MoreRuns command: FORFILES /p {directory name}/s /m *.* /d -2 /c “CMD /C del /Q @FILE” This clears all files older than 14 days in C:\WINDOWS\System32\LogFiles\SMTPSVC1
Read MoreScript downloads vbs file that executes and gets mailbox name, size in kb, total items, and storage group. Saves all to txt files and writes to script log. Able to report by filtering agent procedure logs for $Mailbox$
Read MoreStarts Primary Exchange Services
Read MoreDownloads and installs Office 2007 Compatibility Pack for Office 2003, Argument in step one, downloads txt file for download location, downloads installer executes with argument then deletes txt file and installer. Writes to script log if successful.
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