Script downloads txt files with dl location, current version, install argument & registry key. Script then checks if VLC is installed, if not it will install, if installed it compares installed version to current version and updates if needed. Writes to script log if successful. Script then deletes installer and all txt files. Able to…
Read MoreScript downloads txt files with dl location, current version, install argument & registry key. Script then checks if WinRAR is installed, if not it will install, if installed it compares installed version to current version and updates if needed. Writes to script log if successful. Script then deletes installer and all txt files. Able to…
Read MorePrompts for task, then executes taskkill /IM /F. Script then writes to script log if successful.
Read MoreScript gathers computer name, description, OS, IP info, etc. Script then writes all info to script log. Create report to filter for script log entries containing *$CompInfo$* and *$Audit$*
Read MoreScript downloads ccleaner ini file to ccleaner program files driectory.
Read MoreDisables automatic updates by changing Reg Key
Read MoreEnables automatic updates by changing Reg Key
Read MoreDownloads unzip and zip file from Nirsoft.net. Unzips files to AgentTemp, then runs executable and saves data to text file. Pauses for 30 secs to make sure exe finishes writing data. Uploads text file containing all available wireless networks to KServer Agent TabDocumentsNirsoftWirelessNetView.txt. Deletes .exe .cfg .txt files. Then writes to Script Log
Read MoreDetermines If x32 or x64 by looking at registry then downloads either x32(THEN) or x64(ELSE) unzip and zip file from Nirsoft.net. Unzips files to AgentTemp, then runs executable and saves data to text file. Pauses for 30 secs to make sure exe finishes writing data. Uploads text file containing all known WPA/WEP keys to KServer…
Read MoreDownloads unzip and zip file from Nirsoft.net. Unzips files to AgentTemp, then runs executable and saves data to text file. Pauses for 30 secs to make sure exe finishes writing data. Uploads text file containing info about everything in startup to KServer Agent TabDocumentsNirsoftWhatInStartup.txt. Deletes .exe .cfg .txt files. Then writes to Script Log
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